Sydney Mens Hair Pieces

What’s the Lowest Maintenance Haircut for a Mens Hair Piece??
Having a full head of hair again with a hair piece, or hair patch, can be an amazing thrill.
With locations in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney we do many fittings and hair cuts each day, and have done thousands of fittings since we first opened in our Brisbane clinic in 2016.
Most guys are understandably nervous and excited (but more nervous) when they are getting their first hairpiece, they are worried if it will look fake, if I the colour is a good match, will the haircut suit, and most commonly, what will everyone else think.
We work closely with all of our new hair piece clients to try to make their transition from male pattern baldness to a full head of hair as easy as possible. Our hair pieces are a great non surgical hair loss solution and we bond it to the scalp so it is like a “second skin”.
All of our hairpieces come in 5 or 6 inch lengths and we cut them to suit the hair style that the specific client likes.
We go from long to short. Some clients actually like the hair piece in its original length and we trim the ends and add layers. Others want an extremely short haircut, but I believe that the longer and shortest haircuts are actually the most maintenance.
The Long hairpiece can be loosely tied back in a band but it isn’t long enough for a proper man bun and so often the hair becomes loose from the hair tie and gets messy. The shorter the hair, the less weight it has. It is the weight of the hair that makes it easy to style. When we do an extremely short haircut it requires a lot of product to help position the hair into place so it blends with the biological hair. When I have worn a short hair system I had to spend a lot of time with wax and gel when ever I washed it in the shower and wax and gel are two products we generally avoid with hairpieces as they can damage the hair.
By far the most popular haircut we do for our Australian hair replacement clients is the medium cut. This is shorter at the back and sides (often paired with a skin fade of the biological hair so it graduates from shorter to longer). The connecting hair should be the same length on the perimeter of the hair system as the biological hair. Often this is about 2cm in length and basically it is a “short back and sides” style.
The fringe and top of the hair for the Medium Haircut is about 4 to 5 cm in length, basically resting on the eyebrows if it doesn’t have product in it.
This is definitely the most popular haircut for new hairpiece wearers, as it is so low maintenance. To style it each day they just need to wet it with water, use the special Combe we provide then style it into place. You can use a little bit of mousse or hair spray to hold it in to place and you’re good to go.
We really enjoy helping guys with they hair loss solutions and its great getting photos of them trying out new hair care products. At our free consultations we always try to identify what kind of maintenance the client is after - do they enjoy styling their hair or simply want something very easy, and then we match them with the ideal haircut.