Mens Hair Piece Before & After Care
Replique hairpieces are bonded to the scalp using Walkers and Pro Hair Labs adhesives, the World's leading hair piece adhesive suppliers.
If you are worried about any skin conditions, or if you are on medications, you should discuss the treatment with your doctor prior to the treatment to ensure no adverse reactions.
Replique do hundreds of fittings and rebonds each year and only use products specifically made for hairpiece bonding and are unable to offer any refunds if you have a reaction to the adhesives or hairpiece.

If you use any type of hair fibre or hair product, please remove it prior to your appointment to avoid infection.
If you are concerned about allergies or adverse reactions, we can do a Patch Test, this only takes a few minutes. We recommend doing this several days prior to the treatment to fully assess if you will have adverse reactions. Please contact 0439 558 835 to arrange a free patch test.
The hairpieces are bonded the scalp for up to several weeks. We will trim/clipper/shave any hair in the male pattern baldness area prior to placing the adhesive and hairpiece.
In our experience the adhesive and hairpiece does not effect the growth of the biological hair beneath the hairpiece but we hold no claim that each individual client's biological hair will not be effected by the bond and hair piece.
We recommend not sweating or washing the hairpiece in a shower for 24 hours after the bond to ensure maximum hold
We supply a wide tooth comb that is to be used to ensure gentle handling of the hair.
Our Thin Skin hairpieces are designed to last approximately 12 to 20 weeks. Most of our clients work with our team to get 6 to 12 months out of their hairpieces, by recommending a low maintenance haircut and a hair care regime that is gentle.
The hairpieces are 100% human (except for grey) and as such the hair can fade one or two tones, but it can be recoloured.
If you are ordering an Ultra Thin Skin please note that these may only last 4 to 8 weeks. We need at least 8 hours for the adhseive removal on an Ultra Thin Skin as it needs to soak in a solvent, most customers who purchase Ultra Thin Skin units will alternate between two units.
We recommend regular rebonding, either in our clinic or at home to ensure the adhesive doesn't degrade and form a residue in the hair.
Please note that our hairdressers are very experienced at cutting hairpieces, and work with our clients closely to achieve an amazing haircut. it is vital that you discuss length and style with the hairdresser and communicate with them as the hair is being cut to ensure the correct length. We do not refund hairpieces because a client is dissatisfied with a haircut or colour.
The hairpieces are a Light or Medium Light density, heavy density hairpieces.
Prior to cutting the hairpiece into the template we will ask you to review the density and hairline. Once the hairpiece or hair is cut we are unable to offer any refunds as it has been customised and therefore cant be re-sold. Once the hairpiece and hair is cut and paid for, the hairpiece is deemed to belong to the client and is the clients responsibility and no refunds will be considered.
Most damage to a hairpiece is done after sleeping, and when a client tries to comb and style it. We have Replique Leave in Conditioner and Argan Oil that can help nourish and soften the hair so it is supple and easy to mange. Our full product range is available in our Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane Hair Replacement salons.
If you have any concerns before or after your Hair Piece treatment, please message or call 0439 558 835 as we are here to help you in this process