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Sydney Scalp Micropigmentation: How Many SMP Sessions Will I Need?
When I get asked this question at our Sydney Hair Loss clinic, I immediately ask the following questions: "How much of the scalp are you wanting covered and how much density are you after?"
These two factors ultimately decide the session length and quantities.
Scalp Micropigmentation is a lot like painting a wall, you need to do several sessions to really build up the density.
We use a Bishop SMP needle that is similar in diameter to an actual hair, and so we need to do thousands of tiny hair tattoos to mimic the appearance of stubble. The more dots we do, the darker the appearance and the more sessions that are required.
it is possible to increase the effect by diluting the pigment to a lighter scale. We use Bishop SMP Pigment and adhere to their dilution guide, which is based on a clients skin tone and hair colour. There is a risk of discolouration or an inappropriate colour tone if we don't dilute the pigment adequetly.
As shown in the hair tattoo mock up image above, the effect needs to be consistent with other factors such as the colour of the clients eyebrows and their own beard or stubble if they aren't clean shaven.
A client with dark features like in the photo can get away with dark and full SMP, where as if the client has a more round face and is clean shave and has very light hair and eyebrows, will need a lighter appearing treatment so the Scalp Micropigmentation doesn't look fake. the key to this hair loss treatment looking successful is to cater the end look and each session, with the clients aesthetic. it is key that the client look natural and not fake.
Most mens come to Replique Sydney with onset Male Pattern Baldness and generally very short hair and see we add layer upon layer of the hair tattoo to give them the appearance of a full hair.
For guys wanting just a small amount, where we fill in the crown and work towards the hairline, they can sometimes get away with one session, but this is very, very light.
Most clients want some bang for their buck and so go for the Intro Package which is great if you want to build the head tattoo density over time. it is two full sessions (from about 9.00am to 3pm) then a few touch up sessions to really extend the life of it.
At Replique we find it is best to offer a conservative approach to non surgical hair loss solutions so we like to start with a safe dilution rate of the pigment, a fine needle for the hairline and a medium needle for the rest of the scalp, then once the Scalp tattoo has settle, we review how the scalp has accepted the treatment then adjust the pigment dilution ratio and needle guide size accordingly.
As the owner of Replique Sydney, and founder of Replique nationally, Ive had to spend so many hours cleaning up the work of inexperienced or lazy artist who have done fake looking hairlines and blow outs and inconsistent work, and so we always come from a safe, natural looking and conservative approach with our work, and that often involves writing with the client over several sessions, spaced apart at the clients preference. After all, we only get one chance to make you look amazing and we're better off to use a safe and cautious approach to the SMP over several sessions. Each client is different, but our aim of achieving a natural appearing scalp full of short hair is always the same.
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